Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mission Accomplished!

I've got goal 1 and 2 accomplished. The bible study got started and people seem to think I'm being talkative and kind of strange. I had much more people this week since Lauren brought lots of friends. I was the only one talking for a bit but pretty soon Lauren said something good and so did Chris which got other people started. I let Mr. Mullen talk and he didn't get out of hand so we got a chance to pray. I've been enjoying cross country and doing well! I miss you Eden. I just had a lot of little things to say.


Unknown said...

I miss you too. Come visit - Peru is calling for you. Jooooeeelll! Joooooeeeeeeellllll!!!!
(though it would be pronounced Hoel)

Steve said...

Congratulations. You are going about it in the right way. "If you aim at nothing you will hit it."