Monday, June 30, 2008

And now for a REAL blog post

Sorry Grace I know I copied your title. Actually I think the last post was more real than this one.
Anyway, the first thing I did this morning was rearrange the furniture on the back porch and we put our recliner in the corner. I tried laying down in it and when I did, I realized I was right underneath Eden's floating city with a sharp edge on the bottom that was hanging right over my neck. I tried to get grace to lay down in the recliner too and she Immediately got suspicious, especially because I was holding a pair of scissors. I finally got her too, but she wasn't as surprised as I would have liked her to be. Oh well. The days get pretty boring when you sit at home all summer.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


It's tradition to write your first blog post explaining why you decided to make a blog. For most people its to express there opinions. For my two oldest sisters however it seems to be for entertainment. Dale told me this boring afternoon to start a blog and when I asked why she simply said, "TRADITION!!!" not really, but that would have been much cooler. She actually said "Cause everybody else is doing it." I probably should have named this post peer pressure but I've had fiddler on the roof stuck in my head for a while. Here is a video of Tradition!

I thought this picture was appropriate.