Thursday, July 3, 2008

gramar nastsi

my brother paul has been kihhngd enough to pount out tthat I have had several grammer problems in my bolg sinse I started it and calld me a "internet denizen . i had to look this up and it see med to meen a resedn't of the internet,> I don't really understnd this and i uhope its not an inslt. I dont understand lingo of the intrernet :-P i will tri to make less freqwint mistkes and not to be an intrntet dinsien lol.

Here is my grammr Nazi of a brother himself. Lol


Unknown said...

WOW! CONGRATULATIONS! Your blog will be awesome, way to succumb to Dale's blogging passion.

Alice said...

Deer Jowel
yu mst of got yr gramer frum yr dads syde of the famlee
luv ma