Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bounty of Bananas, Peru with Potatoes

During the duration of my sickness (the name of which dale has forbidden mentioning), I...
  • watched two Mystery Science Theaters,
  • re-read an old children's favorite (Mortimer),
  • played through the first round of Agricola which soon got me more sick.
During Mr. Warsnak's U.S. History Class, Mr. Warsnak was reviewing what the class had talked about while I was gone "Oh! Vietnam with their bounty of variety rich bannanas!" He said, or something Like that. "We figured out that you could eat a differn't kind of bannana for every day of the year."
" That's sort of like Peru with Potatoes" I said. "Oh yes exactly like Peru with Potatoes"he said, and everyone muttered about it for a while while thomas offered to pay me to do my Kracken dance and I felt a bit embarresed even when I promised myself I wouldn't.


Grace said...

Yay! A new post! You have inspired me to attempt one of my own!

DP said...

We must get that Kracken dance on YouTube.

Unknown said...

Que viva el PerĂº! (this means literally "long live Peru," figuratively means "yay Peru")
I am waiting for the Kraken Dance - oh yes, start thinking about which MSTK's you will bring to Peru - we can watch them while mama sleeps.